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Deutsch b2-C1 Medizin

The students’ success highlights a growing movement in the Bronx to equip young people with the knowledge and the skills to write code, the language of computers, so that they can become creators rather than simply consumers of apps, video games, websites and other programs.

How To Start A Digital Community Radio To Enrich

How To Start A Digital Community Radio To Enrich

Community radio stations typically cover a small geographical area with a coverage radius of up to 5km and run on a not-for-profit basis. They can cater for whole communities or for different areas of interest. Community radio stations reflect a diverse mix of cultures and interests. But rather than ‘talk at‘ its community, the station should become a central part of it.

The Things You Need To Know Before Making A Short Film

The Things You Need To Know Before Making A Short Film

In this day and age, anyone can make a short film. But, if making a short film is something you really want to do, putting time in now will make all the difference later. The story is at the heart of this competition. If you have an idea of a story you’d like to tell, then you have all the credentials needed to become our competition winner.

How to Help More College Students Graduate

How to Help More College Students Graduate

The United States has a dropout crisis. Sixty percent of people go to college these days, but just half of the college students graduate with a bachelor’s degree. Some people earn a shorter, two-year associate’s degree. But more than a quarter of those who start college drop out with no credential.